Enjoying Database Administration


Events Access

Things have come to pass. I believe my HIPPA rights have been violated. I also believe I have significant evidence of my having exercised my duty to report incidents constituent of Unlawful Harassment. Specifically derogatory or intimidating references to an employee’s mental or physical impairment. I am a DBA and I enjoy it. I graduated Summa Cum Laude for the love of Justice. For this reason I am shifting the focus from one vendor product I am fond of, to the subject in general which I am fond.

Right, now I am working on an Access Program that should simply the management of household activities with delectable results. For the first schema I am approaching the product from an evolutionary perspective. I have created a normalized flavor database, and am proceeding to strategize the population data into it and adjust settings as needed. I am going to add an inventory management section this evening. I figure this to be a more effecient approach to a usable product for my home than alphabetically by ingredient.

After the database is functioning I am going work on career a management tool. I envision bartering my brother's phenomenal web interface skills for part ownership of the venture. The career management section in particular. (I am reserving ownership in other parts to barter for his skills as the case maybe, I further envision selectable styles to customize (within reason) interfaces for each section. Let's see where this goes.

P.S. I am caring for my Dad, and occasionally my niece. I would like to be taking care of my kids, instead of trusting them to people who vehemently oppose my communicating with them and quite possibly actively slander me. Anyway I am harmless, brilliant, and available for contract work in the areas of enterprise data integration, tutoring, and database administration. Check out my LinkedIN portfolio I have stars for expertise.

Maybe if you ask nicely I'll let you play with my Beta.


Hidden In Plain Sight


Sometimes, what you are looking for is right there staring at you smugly waiting for the opportunity to smirk vainly at the mockery that is your ability to perceive what in retrospect seems obvious. Do not worry, young grasshopper, the opportunity will present itself for you to gaze with benevolent humility at the familiar pain of learning simple lessons you expect to be greater challenges than they are creeping across the face of another. You will learn as I have, and still do.

Be patient, appreciate the sound of \a
Reflect on transference and subjective assessments of the subjective

man, apropos, info, db2 -?

Now You Know How He Knows What He Knew

A long time ago in a POSIX compliant OS far, far away there lived a man and this man was widely regarded for his knowledge. Never, did this man find himself without apropos info . Whether the question was about mounts or how to write a script this man had the answer. That is until one day when this man needed info apropos to the creation of an instance. What should he do?

Having worked previously with command line programs he quickly started jamming keys and pulling his hair. Frustated with the way things worked in his new world he set out to find someone, something, somewhere, where he could go and ask "how do I create an instance, or more specifically how do I ask how do I create an instance?" As he sat there randomly pressing keys trying to remember what he had once read about monkeys and typewriters the following sequence appeared on his screen:

root: /usr/opt/> How can my Muse want subject to invent,
command: How: not found

root: /usr/opt/> While thou dost breathe, that pour'st into my verse
command: thou: not found

root: /usr/opt/> Thine own sweet argument, too excellent
command: Thine: not found

root: /usr/opt/> For every vulgar paper to rehearse?
command: every: not found

root: /usr/opt/> O, give thyself the thanks, if aught in me
command: O: not found

root: /usr/opt/> Worthy perusal stand against thy sight;
command: Worthy: not found

root: /usr/opt/> For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee,
command: who's: not found

root: /usr/opt/> When thou thyself dost give invention light?
command: When: not found

root: /usr/opt/> Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth
command: Be: not found

root: /usr/opt/> Than those old nine which rhymers invocate;
command: Than: not found

root: /usr/opt/> And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth
command: he: not found

root: /usr/opt/> Eternal numbers to outlive long date.
command: Eternal: not found

root: /usr/opt/> If my slight Muse do please these curious days,
command: my: not found

root: /usr/opt/> The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise.
command: The: not found

root: /usr/opt/>


Another funny word... Maxi-flop

Where does he come up with this stuff?

From your DB2 Command Line Processor issue the following SQL command:


If you really want to you can issue this command in the command editor. Just remember to peel off the db2 (but you knew that already). You could also go mucking around in system tables, but you might end up clicking somewhere and locking something just before wandering off to find a danish or a bearclaw or something, only to come back to klaxons whirling and everyone in your department looking sternly at you as their applications start failing, which would really put a damper on the day right after you already had to settle for a jelly donut, which in turn chose that moment to settle its filling on your new shirt (a little club soda should get that out).

You'd better think quick and find an excuse for accessing system tables through the command editor and not the CLP. I would recommend blaming the current system for managing logins and permissions. I mean seriously who should have access beyond read only to system tables. That sort of permission should require documents signed in triplicate before being used and should not be used except when there exists a compelling need to use those logins. This is the sort of thing that leads to all sort of failures and exposures. It is integral to the most basic of information security plans. Trust me I am NSTISSI-4011 INFOSEC and CNSS-4012 Senior Systems Manager certified. I'll show you. They came on parchment in a nice padded presentation portfolio same as the Bachelor's degree I have that says database administration and Summa Cum Laude on it.

But I digress. I really wanted to show you something about DB2. The something I wanted to show you was the MAXFILOP setting. The MAXFILOP setting is the maximum number of files open that a database agent can have. If the database agent opens more some get closed. This can cause problems with performance. Of course in DB2 V 9.5 we can omit the word agent from the previous statements because version 9.5 supports multithreading in non-windows environments such as IBM's flagship non-mainframe OS AIX (hip hip hooray). Version 9.5 also has a respectable Max(MAXFILOP) for AIX 61,440 compared to a wimpy 1950 in the de facto "not-V 9.5" linked earlier for MAXFILOP. We can discuss knowledge base articles and marketing engineers some other time when I can provide more solid foundational evidence for the strategic placement of knowledge in white papers (Don't even get me started, but, wow, Juniper's whole "software can be updated, and hardware gets replaced, therefore there is a better business case for hardware routers", is classic {note that this, does in fact, evaluate true so long as "business case" is defined properly}), support pages, and RedBooks (not that one, though it is full of marketing, most is slightly more obvious than the one's I mean).

Anyway,... just make sure you leave enough in your maxi-flop for SMS because it is going to need a little something extra if it is going to do all the tedious bits and boggles for you. Remind me someday to paraphrase the diffferences between SMS and DMS for you, maybe there'll be car chases ( ○╩○ wee-ew wee-ew ○≡○ vroom erreerr wahhhnnnhhh) and ninjas (☻ hee -yawh).

Concurrent or Subsequent

And now for some engineering prose, and a single capricious act of lexicographic prescriptivism:

Gantt chart planning and analysis as applied to information systems requires that concurrent tasks not be considered concurrent should the finite reality of system resources necessitate that concurrency inflate competitive consumption of said resources.

In cases where concurrency is applied without due consideration for system resource limitations the net resource hours consumed in the satisfaction of milestones predictably exceed predicted quantities.

In the spirit of concisely describing the phenomena of concurrent competitive consumption of system resources, I will coin the verb floofnoggle, meaning "to miss a deadline owing to the sharing of a deadline without adequate network and computational resources to share among deadline sharing tasks."

Today I floofnoggled on a SQL deliverable; there was just too much database locking activities for adequate integrated testing.

I may at sometime in the future expand on the notion of floofnoggling by attempting to quantize aspects of it. I know that consumption of resources cannot exceed the limit imposed by the finiteness of system resources (or in DB2 V 9.5 the limit imposed by user specific throttling). I know that the more specifically aligned data items utilized in concurrent scheduled tasks the greater the probability of locks, and subsequently deadlocks. Also worth noting is the MAXFILOP (DB2) setting for the database.

It would be sagacious for a project manager creating a schedulables plan (i.e. a Gantt chart) to incorporate into the estimations of resource hours and planning of the concurrency of tasks a table of system resources necessary for the completion of each task to determine if concurrency is necessarily an appropriate option.


The Ten-Key Dojo

Today I stumbled upon a electronic artifact of ludicrous power.

Today I entered into the world of the ten key unicode ninja.

For weeks and even months I have typed one handed across the lands of QWERTY only to have my two handed typing abilities suffer as my left gained speed and might right gained strength.

Today I learned the ancient secret of Unicode ninjas.

Today I discovered NumLock_On, Alt + (1-254) .

☻ninja ♣ club


Sandwiches, surfaces, and assorted semi-mathematical statements and suppositions

Tasty Torta Topologies by Tom


If a bounded surface of infinite area were to be deformed to a lamina would it still be a bounded surface?


What, if any, is the relationship between the area of a bounded surface and its bending curvature?


If a prevailing pattern of inclusion exists and effects the bending curvature of the surface, does such a prevailing pattern of inclusion deform such as to always realize a change in a particular direction?


How many dimensions must be included in a proof to show that holes are not areas of infinite inclusion? Is a hole in a surface an example of infinities canceling each other?


How does one represent a minimal space with mustard?


If bread could be shown to be a bounded surface of infinite area... err... In the physical world described by mathematics surfaces are non-existent, but none-the-less prevail as perceptual conveniences derived from chiral matrices refracting in approximation of the illusion that is reflectivity.

Sandwiches, surfaces, and SQL Statements

As I was walking home this evening from another successful journey home aboard the number 15 bus belonging to that offensively named public transportation provider I was struck by what our (U.S.) former VP would call a known unknown. More specifically I was struck by what was formerly an unknown unknown becoming a known unknown in one glorius moment of illumniated ignorance. I did not know for certain whether y BETWEEN z and x was treated as x > y > z, x >= y >= z, x >= y > z , or, for some unforeseen reason possibly stemming from a fixed length value, an x > y >= z.

I decided to remedy my ignorance and set forth to find an irrefutably convenient source on the topic with which to shed light upon the darkness of my recently illuminated ignorance. For simplicity sake I'll tell you that the answer is complicated. Apparently in the general case the y BETWEEN z and x statement is interpreted as x >= y >= z, also known as x >=y AND y >= z (I'm pretty sure that my x,y, z's are straight. I like BETWEEN. It is so much more natural and my nagging doubts are so much more easily satisfied with it). Unfortunately the story doesn't end thÆre. It seems that if any of the values in the BETWEEN predicate are taken from columns containing characters from a different character set the predicate will evaluate in Unicode.

On a logical side note I am pretty sure that the conjunctions implied in the BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN predicates are arrived at by variations on De Morgan's Laws. I'll leave the formalism for another day, as I am still groping with a particular known unknown in the realm of logic. Specifically I am at a loss for the names of the technical fallacies incurred in the use of Boolean derived antecedent propositions in Aristotelian argumentative frameworks. I know it is derived from the interplay between the Law of the Excluded Middle generally present in Non-Hegelian formalisms and the Fallacy of the False Dichotomy. I just am not motivated to wade through endless primers in hopes of finding one source which may hint at the location of an authoritative study of trans-framework logical fallacies.


DB2 Managed Directories in AIX?

Last night I shot off some scripts that were supposed to dump data into PDFs, and they went off with only a few hitches stemming primarily from my remembering August as a 30 day long month (oops). Nothing I couldn't work around, but the darnedest thing happened. The script after creating the files would then move them to a specified directory, but for some reason they weren't appearing in the destination though they disappeared from the source.

The senior DBA was perplexed, and after perhaps an hour of muttering swear words under his breath, set about to perform tasks other than staring at the directories and navigating around knowing that the script executed and moved the files but they weren't there. Among these tasks was deleting some files in DB2 managed directories. Wouldn't you know after DB2 managed files were deleted from the DB2 managed directories the files created by the scripts magically appeared.

What happened? Well it seems that these script were being moved into DB2 managed directories by AIX, and not by DB2. At least as far I can surmise AIX does not trigger the update of the file tables managed by DB2, and consequently the files remained "unregistered" in their directories until DB2 was stimulated to update the directory tables.

Things you can't do... but ought to be able to

Today I came across a scenario in which I wanted to concatenate selected fields into a great big super field. The reason for this is that I am in the process of creating a series of extracts to conform to a fixed length format specified by an industry standards body. In short I wish SQL (DB2) specifically, had the ability to accept syntax like:


Wouldn't it be just great to concatenate all from a sub-select or table with padding or a named delimiter? Sure if you wanted to get into the nitty gritty WITH PADDING would need a list along with it like:

SELECT CONCATENATE ALL FROM cte_NamedCTE WITH PADDING (col1 LEFT '0', col2 RIGHT '#', col3 RIGHT '-', col4 LEFT 'X')

I sure think it would be boffo and uber, if that sort of statement were included in the SQL standard, or the SQL variant of the vendor that pays me for an endorsement.


So you think you're normal... Part 2 First Things First

First Things First

The first normal form is something I might dare accuse a table of not conforming to without a formal investigation. This is because the first normal form tends to eliminate certain characteristics. Different sources vary on specifically what comprises the first normal form verbatim, and that can lead to interesting interpretations.

One such interpretation comes from interpretations of the first normal form such that no field may contain multiple values; each tuple attribute coordinate must contain only one value. This can often lead to the creation of additional columns rather than additional rows. This is of course due to the normalization mantra of reducing redundancy. Moving into the first normal form on a table containing multiple valued cells does necessitate row level redundancy, and this can seem counter-inuitive especially in the mindset of redundancy diminution and a fervent belief in the innate superiority of single columned (non-composite) keys, trending towards the arbitrarily determinant (i.e. data divorced from deployment derivation). I prefer to think of this part of the first normal form as the nesting and expansion phase.

col1val1:col2val1:col3val1,col3val2,col3val3 \
col1val2:col2val2:col3valN \


col1val1:col2val2:col3val1 \
col1val1:col2val2:col3val2 \
col1val1:col2val2:col3val3 \
col1val2:col2val2:col3valN \

Another aspect of the first normal form is the need for a unique key for each row. Some column or combination of columns must have a unique value for each row. A unique key is useful for mitigating against update anomalies. This is what I tend to refer to as keying into the first normal form.

This is accomplished by the creation of a surrogate key or identifying a natural key. In most cases the surrogate is the simplest solution to creating a unique key for the row. Surrogate keys are constructs of the database. They are consequences of the database. They are not born from the data. They are often numbers auto incremented for each row. I find dates and datetimes can often be combined with foreign keys to diminish the need for reliance on surrogate keys, as surrogates can become nuisance columns that lead to violations of the ACID principles. I tend to prefer to limit the number of surrogate keys in a database by building schemas around surrogate keys.

As you may have noticed I have something of an aversion to surrogate keys. The reason for this is that they tend to introduce arbitrary dependencies which can complicate later normal forms as well as add a layer of ambiguity to the actual relations between the actual data. In the above normalization example we might achieve uniqueness through a combination of columns.

This is not to say that I am preferential to natural keys or even to multiple column keys. It does however lead into my philosophy on normalization. I believe that it is important to establish as unique keys either a single column or a collection of columns prior to the introduction of a surrogate key. By documenting the natural keys, you are establishing a valuable element to the data dictionary, you are clarifying the relational dependencies native to the data. This is a valuable order of key determination that you will undoubtedly find useful as you progress through the normalization of your tables.

In our nesting and expansion phase we got this as a result:

col1val1:col2val2:col3val1 \ col1val1:col2val2:col3val2 \ col1val1:col2val2:col3val3 \ col1val2:col2val2:col3valN \

We clearly cannot use any single column save for perhaps the third one as a unique key as they repeat across rows. We will labor under the assumption that the business logic precludes the use of column three as a unique key alone because it was in fact the nested valued cell.

Searching these columns shows us repetition on Col2 which might indicate it should be off on another table giving us two tables:

Table 1: col1val1:Tab2FKref:col3val1\ ... and Table 2: col1PK:col2Val1 \ ...

In this case we worked under the assumption that col2 values were smaller in size than the foreign key surrogate that referenced it (This is a practical consideration relevant to disk size. That is to say, if the values in the column are smaller than a key to reference them, they might be best left denormalized for practical purposes, though this is a consideration for higher normal forms). We might decide it best to reference the FK in a m:n relationship something like this:

Table 1: col1PK:col2val1:col3val1 \ ... Table 2: col1PK:col2Val1 \ ... TableCross 1, 2 : tab1fkM:tab2fkN \ ...

Using intermediary tables to achieve M:N-ness, accurately M:X and X:N-nesses, is generally advisable as it allows referential integrity to be preserved in a slightly less laborious manner. In short the first normal form is comprise of two parts, the nesting and expansion phase, and the key determination phase.

So you think you're normal... Part 1 Normalism or Anomalous

Normality or Anomaly

Database normalization is an important aspect of database design, something that is generally done by a data architect, and not as often by a database administrator, much to my delight and chagrin. The rules of normalization are part of the package of database minutiae that I found so intriguing and delightful (pardon the hyperbole, but I find it apropos to style) as to cogitate upon that I decided to become a database administrator. They are of course, rules appropriate to database design, and therefore, not necessarily a business imperative. To be certain data anomalies cost wage hours to repair, and can complicate querying, as well add resource overhead to your database operation. Having justified the time and expense in normalizing your database (or more likely some section of it, perhaps in a new schema as your design has in some areas outgrown its table schema) you are ready to start making somewhat dramatic changes to your database for the better.

In my opinion one of the most important issues to be mindful of when beginning to normalize your design, besides backing up your database (which you should be doing anyway) and design documentation for the existing design, and of course that you should solidify and verify your designs before making any changes to the database, is that normalization should be considered in terms of tables first. Deciding whether or not your entire database, or simply an entire schema for that matter is in any particular normal form, is kind of like deciding whether the sky is a particular shade of cerulean or azure, the answer can, ad will often be, in some places yes, and in others no.

Normalization can be oversimplified by saying that it is breaking tables into more tables. When I look at normalization I usually look for the opportunity to break relations off of tables. But of course this is more of a high level scan for a particular table needing a more formal inquiry into its normality. At this stage I might say I suspect that this table is not fully normalized.

An important aspect of normalization is the minimization and elimination of the potential for data modification anomalies. I tend to think of normalizing a table in terms of these anomalies, as well as in terms of many-to-many relations that can be formed of the type Table1:Key1Key2:Table2, or Subject:Predicate:Object (A great metaphor for the real world relation represented).

The three most important modification anomalies are insert, update, and deletion anomalies. Each of these anomalies corresponds roughly to a particular normal form. The first normal form tends to eliminate update anomalies, the second normal form pertaining to insertion anomalies, and the third normal form deals with deletion anomalies. Of course, there is overlap between the normal forms and relevant anomalies.

An insertion anomaly can be avoided by allowing NULLS, this is to be discouraged, as doing so circumvents first form normalization and consequently prevents all other normal forms from being realized as each is dependent on the previous in a cascading fashion. That is to say that a table in the second normal form is in the first, and a table in the third is in the second, and so on.

In later posts I will expand on the themes introduced here.


Things you can't do...

Today I ran across an issue that frustrated me to no end. I had a dollar value in a column that was part of a fixed length record extract I am currently working on. I was attempting to create a scenario wherein the last digit of the dollar value would be an alphanumeric representation of the numeric value in that position when the whole value was negative. For example an eight bit string representing '-9871' would be something akin to '0000987B'.

The primary problem I ran across was an error that I found most perplexing (a problem with DB2 errors in general), but not one that was merely ambiguous as if often the case with DB2 SQLSTATE errors. No this was an altogether more frustrating animal. I was told by DB2 that REPLACE was not a valid function. What was even more frustrating was that a quick verbatim Google search yielded only seven results none of which was even remotely related to the problem. Also threatening to my sanity was the failure of SUBSTR to work in this situation. Imagine my dismay to find something so magnificently eloquent as:

SUBSTR(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Tab.Col, '$', ''), ',', ''), 1, 7) REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTR(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Tab.Col, '$', ''), ',', ''), 1, 7), '0', 'A'), '1', 'B'), '2', 'C'), '3', 'D'), '4', 'E'), '5', 'F'), '6', 'G'), '7', 'H'), '8', 'I'), '9', 'J')

Did not work.

I was afraid I was going to have to wrestle a beast of a case statement; I just couldn't understand why this wouldn't work. It was perfect in its subtle avoidance of excessive reads, elegant and refined in a way I am too humble to admit, and worse than it not working at all, it only worked for deductions and not for premium. Why god, Why? I nearly mumbled to myself as a sat at my workstation sulking.

It wasn't until I had patted myself on the back for trying to get ahead of the project by going off for some coffee hoping that on this epiphany I would be granted revelation, if only some small glimmer of truth flickering in the corner of my mind's eye to remind me that I am only a junior DBA who forgets simple lessons from school and not a madman who writes scripts to block his SQL from working according to some predictable standard.

As I sat there watching the black Colombian go juice java drip from the filter assembly, I was struck by inspiration. I rushed back to my terminal and without hesitation typed into the search bar "DB2 command 'valid by data type'." Of course I didn't find anything useful. DAMN! I nearly screamed out, why isn't there a listing of commands sorted by valid data type. The thought rolled around in my head as the painfully obvious solution sat the staring blankly back at me blinking with wonder at my inability to fathom it.

Eventually it dawned on that among countless other situations in the world of data where the bidirectionality of a particular notion leads to folly, the reason I had crafted (or copied I don't specifically recall each and every second before the blog was created, or most of them still after for that matter) REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Tab.Col, '$', ''), ',', '') was to provide compatibility between a string and a decimal representation of a dollar amount, but specifically to make a string compatible with a decimal, and not a decimal compatible with a string. As you probably figured that inner replacement nest needs replacing, and since DB2 doesn't have support for regular expressions (a gripe tangential to my error down an avenue I glanced at longingly) , I was going to have to edit the code rather than write a scriplet to do it for me. The end result was something akin to this:

SUBSTR(CAST(Tab.Col AS CHAR(8)), 1, 7) REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTR(CAST(Tab.Col AS CHAR(8)), 1, 7), '0', 'A'), '1', 'B'), '2', 'C'), '3', 'D'), '4', 'E'), '5', 'F'), '6', 'G'), '7', 'H'), '8', 'I'), '9', 'J')

The lesson I have learned from this, is this: If I find myself so lacking in the brain power to solve a problem not present with every instance of a code snippet that I am contemplating resigning myself to stupidity and taking up drooling on myself, I should check to see if the command/keywords I am using are appropriate to the data type (often one of the first lessons in a book on SQL), because there are things that just aren't done like adding J to 8 and getting i^2.


System Catalog

Here are three little queries that you can use to gather information about your database:


This will display information about all of the columns in SchemaName.


This will display information about all of the tables in SchemaName.


This will display information about all of the indexes in SchemaName.

I will address each of these SYSCAT tables in depth in the days and weeks to come.


The Materialized Query Table

Materialized Query Tables (MQT) reside in tablespaces and are optimized in many of the same ways that tables. They can be indexed and should have RUNSTATS run against them. Particularly useful is the fact that MQTs are incorporated into the query plan of queries they can enhance without being explicitly called. This is advantageous in that a DBA can create an MQT expressly for the purpose of performance enhancement without the need for propagating its usage throughout the organization.

Like views MQTs can improve the performance of complex aggregates and crosstable joins. In addition an MQT can include any valid select construct including such things as UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT. MQTs can also realize benneficial functionality with partitioned environments and in data warehousing/BI dimensioning.

A simple MQT can be created similiar to the following:

SELECT a.ThisCol, a.ThatCol, a.SomeCol, b.EvenCol, b.OddCol
FROM ThisTable a, ThatTable b
WHERE a.SomeCol = b.SameCol
AND a.ThisCol > 5
SELECT c.ThisCol, c.ThatCol, c.SomeCol, d.EvenCol, d.OddCol
FROM ThisTable c, ThatTable d
WHERE c.SomeCol = d.SameCol

By specifying the refresh immediate I have made this a system managed MQT on which the data is refreshed as soon as changes are made. This preclude the usage of the MQT for updating underlying tables, but diminishes the personnel overhead associated with managing the database object.


The FOR READ ONLY clause is a useful amendment to SQL statements. It can be used in a number of ways and can differ between platforms. Specifically, the FOR READ ONLY clause can be appended to a SQL full select statement, or cursor in order to prevent changes to the data in the result set.

In the case of a full select statement, the FOR READ ONLY prevents modification of the data in the results set. This of course means that you cannot use this clause with an UPDATE or DELETE statement, as those statements call for modification of the data which is prevented by the statement.

In the case of cursors this clause can prevent the inadvertent modification of the table data where it is only desired to modify the data for output.

Experiment XP2009-0001

It seems that a snoozed appointment will not propagate to a Windows Mobile device. That is to say that in the aforementioned hardware and software environment, an appointment that has previously been created via a synch in Windows Mobile will not receive a snooze on that appoinment propagated to the phone from Outlook 2007 via its synch partnership.


Lunch at the Polo Grill

Earlier today I attended a presentation on the progress that our enterprise architect had made in the process of implementing Optim in our organization. Also in attendance were some people from IBM. After the presentation we all took a business lunch at the Polo Grill in Lakewood Ranch. I had the Slow Roasted Chicken Panini, and it was marvelous. I am quite found of gruyere and avacados, suprisingly though I have never thought to put the two together.

Lunch converstation ranged across numerous topics including some future demonstration of DB2 Performance Expert and the bennefits we enjoy as an IBM Premier Partner. I am looking forward to expanding my abilities as a DB2 DBA using the Partner Portal tools. We also came across the topic of views and materialized query tables.

Materialized Query Tables are analogous to views in that they are database objects manifested from queries. They pre-populate with data from the underlying select statement and can provide (particularly in the case of system managed MQTs) dramatic improvements in the performance of aggregated values containing queries. A great thing about the MQTs is that users do not need to know about there existence as DB2 will process the optimization plan inclusive of the MQT.



In an attempt to tease out something I mused upon earlier today but have none-the-less forgotten I am going to create a posting label for FOR. Whenever I run across FOR used in SQL I will attempt to document it and explain its usage. I do recall that whatever it was that I was thinking about FOR for had something to do with the limits of SQL for processing multiple near identical rows to the effect of collapsing them into single rows or groups of rows based on certain criteria.

Ultimately, I was inspired to this by a particular extract in which I wanted to select a yes for certain values and a no for certain other values, not producing multiple rows despite the fact that the criteria for selecting yes into the field is only satisfied when another previous row has satisfied the criteria for no, the law of the excluded middle seeming to neccesitate aggregation where scalaricity is more desirable.

I believe a work-around would involve introducing a MAX to the yes or no logic such that y being greater than no yes would supercede no as a scalar output to the aggregated input. None-the-less I have become fascinated (relatively) with the ODBC reserved keyword FOR.

Here is a nifty tool for checking whether a word is a reserved keyword.


In an attempt to not waste the written word as I am applying it for the purpose of learning I will occasion to conduct experiments to determine the effect of some action or another that cannot be clearly predicted from available (to me) documentation. I will number my experiments according a XPyyyy-nnnn format.

Experiment XP2009-0001

The purpose of this experiment is to determine if a Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 appoinment that has been snoozed for a day will propogate the snooze upon synchronization with a T-Mobile Dash. The details are as follows:

Appointment Source:

iCalendar Source: Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 (12.0.6316.5000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6320.5000)

OS Name: Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home PremiumVersion 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001

Other OS Description: Not AvailableOS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

System Name: irrelevant

System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.System

Model: MXC062

System Type: X86-based

PCProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz, 2000 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date: Dell Inc. A06, 2/5/2007

SMBIOS: Version 2.4

System Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6001.18000"

Installed Physical Memory (RAM): 2.00 GBTotal Physical Memory 1.99 GB

Available Physical Memory: 820 MB

Total Virtual Memory: 4.21 GB

Available Virtual Memory: 2.31 GB

Page File Space: 2.28 GB

Appointment Destination:

OS Name: Windows Mobile® 6 Standard CE OS 5.2.1236 (Build 17741.0.2.1)

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Available Storage: 44.45 MB

Total Storage: 58.11 MB + <= 2GB

Available Memory: 10.49 MB

Total Memory: 43.68 MB

Processor: OMAP850 201 MHz

Threshing Sheep

I am writing this blog in an attempt to document my learning and progress as a database administrator. I studied databases in college and maintained a fairly respectable GPA. I had originally intended to study math, philosophy, and art, but decided instead, for reasons, I may expound upon in the future, that databases represented a confluence of these disciplines, at least when allowed for a slightly more flexible semantics than found in most programming languages and SQL in particular.

The name of this blog is derived from a particular configuration parameter found in DB2. In DB2 9 this word play is extended somewhat by the fact that the SHEAPTHRES_SHR is a "soft" limit. SHEAPTHRES_SHR is IBM 1337 for "Shared Sort Heap Threshold", and represents the maximum size in memory for heaping data to be sorted in a shared manner as opposed to private.