Enjoying Database Administration


DB2 Managed Directories in AIX?

Last night I shot off some scripts that were supposed to dump data into PDFs, and they went off with only a few hitches stemming primarily from my remembering August as a 30 day long month (oops). Nothing I couldn't work around, but the darnedest thing happened. The script after creating the files would then move them to a specified directory, but for some reason they weren't appearing in the destination though they disappeared from the source.

The senior DBA was perplexed, and after perhaps an hour of muttering swear words under his breath, set about to perform tasks other than staring at the directories and navigating around knowing that the script executed and moved the files but they weren't there. Among these tasks was deleting some files in DB2 managed directories. Wouldn't you know after DB2 managed files were deleted from the DB2 managed directories the files created by the scripts magically appeared.

What happened? Well it seems that these script were being moved into DB2 managed directories by AIX, and not by DB2. At least as far I can surmise AIX does not trigger the update of the file tables managed by DB2, and consequently the files remained "unregistered" in their directories until DB2 was stimulated to update the directory tables.

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